Class Report ’23

December marks the 1st anniversary of our formal constitution as the AnarCom Network, an organisation of internationalist revolutionary class-struggle anarchist-communists. 

Despite having been in discussion and doing some joint work with numerous individuals since August 2022, we took several months to get to what we felt was a fundamental agreement on organisational aims and principles.

Our goal was to create a structurally flexible network around a concise and coherent set of agreed revolutionary positions we would define as Anarchist Communist.

A flexible network to enable comrades from other traditions, local groups and non-aligned, to manage their route to engagement with us.

Coherent because lessons from centuries of revolutionary class struggle are not open to endless debate or unlearning with fleeting fads or expedience.

Anarchist Communist because our consensus lies firmly within this tradition while recognising members bring their own rich experience from the traditions of other anarchist movements, council, left and libertarian communism.

We continue to argue that a new, if historically familiar, tendency is emerging – an internationalist revolutionary class struggle realignment, as a response to the reality of war and its existential threat. 

Our response is to share our struggles in solidarity with our class, develop and share our analysis with like-minded class militants and continue building good relationships with revolutionary internationalists. 

War will not cease without it.

We are not academics nor researchers but are a dispersed assembly of predominantly veteran working-class militants from a range of traditions and none.

Our activity is within our class, not outside it, and develops our analysis in real time. We are delighted to say in consequence we have had a busy first year!

As activists in our own Unions, communities, workplaces and networks, we have organised, discussed and shared our perspectives. 

In our own localities throughout the last strike wave, we have been on marches, to meetings and demonstrations. We have attended picket lines as strikers or in solidarity primarily in post, rail, health or education.

In the process producing a range of resources including banners, badges and stickers to share and engage the wider struggles of our class.

We have been to May Day rallies and participated in solidarity actions particularly against the oppression of workers and comrades on trial in France.

In ideas and communication, we have produced 5 issues of our magazine Rebel Rose, 3 leaflets and 3 pamphlets: on the recent strikes, against terrorism, and against bloodletting of the current wars (another will be out before the years end).

We have distributed our resources on the streets, demos and at 6 radical and anarchist bookfairs across the UK.

Internationally we have developed a good range of contacts and connections, particularly in France, Central and Eastern Europe. As part of this we have attended 2 internationalist gatherings in Switzerland and the Black Sea coast, focusing on realignment of forces of the basis of No War but the Class War!

We have been particularly busy developing our presence across social media and on our website, posting around 60 of our own articles and an equal number of contributions from comrades and contacts at home and abroad.

Many of our articles have been widely shared and translated into half a dozen other languages. 

Additionally, we have coordinated an internationalist statement against the Russia-Ukraine war with several NWBTCW projects amongst our European comrades.

We continue energetically to contribute to internationalist opposition to capitalist wars and have written extensively on events currently taking place in Middle East.

All of this is now clearly a matter of public record and available to see through our webpage and other posting sites. Including our new contemporary in-house memes for regular observation and commentary.

We are however still a small group spread across the length of these islands, with all the limitations that inevitably imposes. Despite this, we celebrate what we have achieved in our first year and look forward to the next.

To those who have come to see us; communicated with us and shared their struggles with us, we say thank you!

To our class we say strength through solidarity!

To our critics we say welcome to the debate, engage with us. 

To our fellow revolutionists, we say love and comradeship. To the cynics, detractors and enemies of our class, we never expected you to be on our side

By the Anarchist Communist Network

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